1. Highlights
2011-2021: Continuous project grant support from VR NT-9
2016, 2019: Chairman of VR study section NT-9
2011 The Hugo Theorell Award in biophysics
Average citations per publication: 55
Main supervisor of two PhD students that have been awarded their degrees (2010 and 2017)
Course leader 15HP course 2005-2016
2. Undergraduate training
1996. Master of science in chemical engineering towards biochemistry. Royal Institute of Technology.
3. PhD exam
2001. Department of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm.
Discipline: Structural biology
Thesis title: “Structure-function relationships of the human Runx1 transcription factor”
Main supervisor: Professor Torleif Härd
4. Postdoctoral studies
2001-10-01 through 2004-06-01. Funded by a postdoctoral fellowship granted by the Swedish Research Council.
Location and main supervisor: Brandeis University, Boston USA, Department of biochemistry in the laboratory of Professor Dorothee Kern
5. Docent
Appointed docent in “Biological Chemistry” at the department of Chemistry, Umeå University December 2010.
6. Present employment
Type of employment: Professor, Department of Chemistry, Umeå University
Start date: 2012-05-01
Research time extent: 75 %,
Teaching and other departmental duties: 25 %.
7. Previous employments
2010-2012, Guest teacher (“gästlektor”). Chemistry department, Umeå University
2005-2010, Assistant professor (“Forskarassistent)”, funded by VR-NT. Chemistry department, Umeå University
2004-2005. Researcher, funded by my postdoc fellowship from VR-NT. Chemistry department, Umeå University
8. Grants
2018-2021 VR-NT. Project grant 800 kkr/year
2014-2017 VR-NT. Project grant 800 kkr/year
2011-2013 VR-NT. Project grant 700 kkr/year
2017 Carl Tryggers Stiftelse. Postdoc Fellowship. 552 kkr
2011 Co-applicant NMR instrumentation, Kempe stiftelserna 12 Mkr
2012-2013 Kempestiftelserna. Postdoc Fellowship. 480 kkr
2009 “Young researcher award”, Umeå University, 2Mkr
2009 Kempestiftelserna. Postdoc Fellowship. 400 kkr
2009 Kempestiftelserna. Instrumentation grant. 490 kkr
2004-2008 VR-NT. Forskarassistent position. 743 kkr/year
2004-2008 VR-NT. Project Grant. 200 kkr/year
2008 Kempestiftelserna. Postdoc Fellowship. 400 kkr
2008 KVA. Project grant. 55 kkr
2007 Strategic grant form our faculty. 600 kkr
2005 Startup grant from dept. of chemistry. 275 kkr
2001-2004 VR-NT. Postdoc fellowship grant to Magnus Wolf-Watz
9. Teaching
2012 Course Leader: “1.5 HP, Cutting Edge Biophysics”
2011 Lecturer: “15 HP, NMR in structural biology”
2010 Lecturer: “KBC, graduate course at KBC, NMR module II)”
2005-2016 Course leader: “15 HP, Protein Structure and Function”
2005-2010 Lecturer: ”15 HP, Protein Purification”
2009 Lecturer: ”1.5 HP graduate course, “Material, Catalytic or not”, Kristinestad.
2005-2008 Lecturer: ”15, HP, Structural Biology”
2004 Lecturer: ”1.5 HP graduate course, Protein Dynamics”, Göteborgs Universitet.
10. Supervision of exam workers
30 HP projects
2012 Helge Magnussen
2012 Praneeth Reddy Devulapally
2010 Ho Ngoc Hoang Oanh
2007 Louise Rundqvist
2007 Fredrik Björklund
2005 Marcus Wallgren
2004 Lise-Lott Österlund
15 HP projects
2018 Matheus Ferreria Silva
11. PhD supervision
Ho Ngoc Hoang Oanh, main supervisor, PhD degree awarded 2017
Jörgen Ådén, main supervisor, PhD degree awarded 2010
Yaozong Li, assistant supervisor, PhD degree awarded June 2017
Laxmi Mishra, assistant supervisor, accepted for PhD studies 2016
Barbara Addario, assistant supervisor, PhD degree awarded 2011
Marcus Wallgren, assistant supervisor, PhD degree awarded 2012
Alexander Christiansen, assistant supervisor, PhD degree awarded 2013
Martin Lidman, assistant supervisor, PhD degree awarded 2015
12. Supervision of postdoctoral researchers
2012-2015 Michael Kovermann (supported by a fellowship from Deutsche Forschungs Gemainschaft), now groupleader at University of Konstanz
2012-2015 Arun Gupta
2012- Per Rogne
2008-2012 Christoph Weise
2008-2010 Ulrika Olsson
13. Faculty opponent
2018 Petar Kovachev, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala university
14. Member of PhD defense committees
2017 Sylvia Eriksson, Department of biochemistry and biophysics, Stockholm University
2017 Lotta Berg, Department of chemistry, Umeå University
2016 Lotta von Sydow, Department of chemistry, Umeå University
2008 Linda Hedberg, Department of biochemistry and biophysics, Stockholm University
2008 Ulrika Brath, Department of biophysical chemistry, Lund University
2010 Cecilia Andresen,Department o f Molecular Biotechnology , Linköping University
15. Awards and assignments
1. Awards
2011 The Hugo Theorell Award in biophysics
2009 Young
Researcher Award,
2 million SKR to selected young faculty
2008 Kungliga
Skytteanska samfundets pris
To a promising young scientist at the Faculty of Science and Technology
Umeå University
2. Keynote speaker
2016 2nd edition of the Protein Engineering Canada (PEC) Conference, Ottawa, Canada, Invited Keynote speaker
3. Talks given at international meetings
“Prague Protein Spring”, Prague, Invited speaker
The Biopysical Society 61:st Annual
Meeting, San Francisco USA
Speaker and session chair
2014 Physics of Biomolecular Folding and Assembly; Theory meets Experiment, Bad Honnef, Germany, Invited speaker
2013 The 18th Triennial Conference for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, speaker
2011 Joint Meeting of the Swedish and German Biophysical Societies, Hünfeld, Germany
Invited speaker
2010 The
Biopysical Society 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco USA
Speaker and session chair
2008 The
Joint Biophysical Society 52nd annual meeting, 16th IUPAB
International Biophysics Congress, Long Beach California, speaker
2007 The 16th Triennial Conference for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), Kenting Taiwan, speaker
4. Personal invitation to universities to give talks
2017 University of Texas Arlington, USA
2016 The Scripps Research Institute
2016 Chalmers
2014 Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
2012 Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona
2010 Linköpings University
2008 Lunds University
2008 Stockholm University
5. Other scientific assignments
2018 Chairman of the scientific committee, Swedish NMR meeting in Gothenburg
2013 Co-organizer for the 17:th annual Sbnet meeting Tällberg, Sweden.
2012 Main organizer of the meeting: “Cutting Edge Biophysics”, Tällberg, Sweden.
2011 Chairman at the 15th annual meeting of the Swedish Structural Biology network
2005-2015 Member in the scientific council of the Swedish NMR center to review applications for NMR time. The other members are Mikael Akke at biophysical chemistry in Lund and Göran Hilmersson, organic chemistry, University of Gothenburg.
2002-2004 Chairman for distribution of NMR time at Brandeis University.
5. VR panel assignments
2019 Chairman of the VR NT-9 Review panel
2018 Review panel member NT-9 VR
2016 Chairman of the VR NT-9 Review panel
2015 Review panel member NT-9 VR
2014 Review panel member NT-9 VR
2012 Review panel member D1, VR
6. Tenure promotion and other reviews
2019 Review of promotion of Dr. Alexi Amunts application for tenure and for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor. Stockholm University
2018 Expert review of a ERC consolidator grant application
2018 Review of promotion of Dr. Fredrik Ekström promotion to the position as chief scientist at the Swedish research Defense Agency (FOI).
2015 Review of an application for academic Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
2014 Review of an application for academic Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in the Investigator – Educator pathway of the Faculty of .Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
2008 Review grant proposal for the Council for Chemical Sciences of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
7. Review work: Biochemistry, Nature, JBC, Biophysical Journal, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, Green Chemistry, Journal of Molecular Biology, Quarterly reviews of biophysics, Chemistry & biology, Protein Science, Biotechnology Progress, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Scientific Reports, Chemical Science, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, Nature Communications, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, PNAS, Structural Dynamics