Name: A. Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson
Date of birth: June 4, 1959 in Nyköping, Sweden
Email: elisabeth.sauer-eriksson at
1979-1983 B.S. in Chemistry at University of Uppsala
1983-1988 Ph.D., Institute of Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden. Supervisor: Prof. Anders Liljas. Thesis title “Structural differences between high and low forms of carbonic anhydrase” Faculty opponent Prof. Guy Dodson, York Structural Biology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of York, York Y010 5DD, UK
1993 Docent in Molecular Biology, Uppsala University
Research Experiences
1980-1983 Student in chemistry and biochemistry at University of Uppsala, Sweden
1983-1988 Graduate student, Institute of Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
1989-1991 Research Associate (Post-Doc), Prof. Brian W. Matthews, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA
1991-1992 Research Associate (NFR Forskarassistent tjänst), Prof. Alwyn Jones laboratory, Institute of Mol. Biology, University of Uppsala, Sweden
1992-1993 Visiting scientist, Prof. Matti Saraste and Prof. Rik Wierengas laboratories, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany. (6 months)
1993-2000 Appointed Associate Professor “NFR särskild forskartjänst i proteiners struktur och funktion”
1993-1996 Associate Professor, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Uppsala
1996-2005 Associate Professor, Group leader, Umeå Center of Molecular Pathogenesis, UCMP, Umeå University, Sweden
2005- Appointed professor in structural biology, Umeå University (UmU), Sweden.
Professional activities at Umeå University
1997-2008 Föreståndare/Prefekt UCMP (~ 45 persons)
1997-2000 Board member, Umeå Center for Molecular Medicine, UCMM
2005-2008 Board member. Faculty of Science and Technology, UmU
2011-01 – Deputy Head of Department/Biträdande prefekt with responsibility for the PhD program at the Chemistry Department, UmU
Other professional activities and rewards outside Umeå
2003 “Excellent research” award in medicine from the Swedish Research Science Council.
2004 Gustafsson price in molecular biology. 4.600.000 SEK for three years.
2006-2010 Swedish Research Science Council (VR), committee Biochemistry and Biophysics (NT-E, NT-D1). 2010-Chairperson
2006-2007 The strategic advisory committee, Life science (livsvetenskapsgruppen), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF).
2007- Board member of the KVA National Committee of Chemistry. Swedish representative at ECA and IUCr assemblies.
2007 Arrhenius-medal in Chemistry
2008-2009 Swedish Research Science Council (VR), Board member of the Committee for Natural and Engineering Sciences (NT-rådet)
2010 Evaluation committee, SSF “Framtidens Forskningsledare och Framtidens Tvärvetenskapliga Forskningsledare”
2011 Evaluation committee, VR-NT Post-doc program
2011, 2013 Evaluation committee, VR Röntgen-Ångström Clusters, RÅC
2011-11- Member of UCMR management team.
2012 Awarded “Nordeas Prize in life Science”
2013-2014 Max IV, Member of BioMAX Advisory Group
2013-2016 Chairperson for Swedstruct – the Swedish node for Instruct
2013-2016 Board member in CBCS (
2014 KAV National Committee of Chemistry, Chair, Celebration of the International year of Crystallography (
2015, 2016 KA Wallenberg evaluation committee – Wallenberg Fellow
2016-2018 Member of the Natural Science panel, Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF)
2018-2021 Member of the Executive Council of the Protein Society (
2020 Swedish Research Science Council (VR), committee Biochemistry and Structural Biology (NT-9). Vice-Chairperson
2021 Swedish Research Science Council (VR), committee Biochemistry Molecular Biology, and Structural Biology (NT-F). Member
PhD research student supervision as main supervisor
Therese Eneqvist, Ph.D. 2001
Andreas Hörnberg, Ph.D. 2004
Erik Lundberg, Ph.D. 2006
Anders Karlsson, Ph.D. 2008
Ulrika Hultdin, Ph.D. 2010
Aaron Edwin, Ph.D. 2014
Lina Nilsson, Ph.D. 2017 (shared with Anders Olofsson).
Melanie Oelker, Ph.D. planned for 2021-11-04
Post doctors as main supervisor
Talal Gariani 1997-2000
Shenghua Huang 1997-2001
Tobias Hainzl 2000-2004
Anders Olofsson 2005-2007
Anders Öhman 2007-2008
Gitte Meriläinen 2009-2011
Matthew Hogg 2013-2015 – Shared with Erik Johansson
Afshan Begum 2012-2016
Josy ter Beek 2016-2017 – Shared with Erik Johansson
Cecilia Lindgren, 2018-2019, Post-doc (shared with Fredrik Almqvist)
Current group (Sept 2021)
Tobias Hainzl, Researcher
Melanie Oelker PhD student
Irina Iakovleva, Research engineer
Natalia Mojica Cortes, PhD student
Invited referee for international journals
Science, Nature, NSMB, PNAS, EMBO J., Amyloid, Protein Science, Journal of Medical Chemistry, Acta Crystallographica D,F, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, FEBS letter, Structure, Biochemistry, J. Medical Genetics, J. Molecular Biology, J. Biological Chemistry
Editorial Board member:
Amyloid: The Journal of Protein Folding Disorders, 2006 – current
Protein Science, 2014 – current
Umeå, 1 September, 2021