PhD position in human protein kinases
A PhD position in biochemistry is available in the laboratory of Professor Magnus Wolf-Watz at the Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden. The PhD project is aimed at uncovering novel molecular mechanisms underlying the function of human protein kinases. Focus will be on two specific protein kinases that are intimately linked to a number of disorders in humans including various forms of cancer. The doctoral student will enter a multidisciplinary project that is built on collaborations with both Professor Kwangho Nam at University of Texas Arlington and with Marené Landström (Professor in pathology at Umeå University). The doctoral student will be trained in structural biology, protein production, biochemistry and biophysics and will collaborate with both cell biologists and computational chemists. Structural biology may go in any of the directions; single particle cryo EM, x-ray crystallography or protein NMR spectroscopy depending on the development of the research project and also depending on the interests of the doctoral student. The position is in part funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
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