New article: Advances in protein structure prediction highlight unexpected commonalities between Gram-positive and Gram-negative conjugative T4SS

New article from the Berntsson lab, where we have identified which components are conserved across all conjugative Type 4 Secretion Systems, and used the new modelling tools available to model the pCF10 T4SS structure. Published now in JMB:

New article out with contributions from the Berntsson lab: D-amino acids signal a stress-dependent run-away response in Vibrio cholerae

In collaboration with the Cava lab, Josy ter Beek solved the structure of a recptor that recognizes D-amino acid. For the full publiction in Nature Micorbiology, see here.

Structural foundation for the role of enterococcal PrgB in conjugation, biofilm formation and virulence – out now in eLife

The paper by Sun et al is out in eLife, and can be found here!

Structural insights into CodY activation and DNA recognition published in Nucleic Acid Research

The transcription factor protein CodY is a global transcription factor, found in almost all low G + C Gram-positive bacteria, where it functions as a regulator of transcription for several hundred genes. Importantly, CodY also directly or indirectly control the expression of essential virulence factors. This paper highlights mechanistic similarities and differences between CodY proteins, important knowledge for therapeutic targeting of the virulence regulator CodY.

Leon Jona SchierHolz has joined the Wolf-Watz lab

We welcome Leon to our lab!! Leon will work on adenylate kinases from extreme habitats!

New publication out from the Wolf-Watz lab in Science Advances

The paper “Insights into the evolution of enzymatic specificity and catalysis: From Asgard archaea to human adenylate kinases” from the Wolf-Watz lab is now published in Science Advances!

New publication on poliovirus assembly in Nature communications

Combining cryo-electron tomography with virology and cell biology, the Carlson lab published an in situ structural study of poliovirus assembly and its links to autophagy.

The first author is Selma Dahmane (Umeå) and the project was a collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (USA) and Monash University (Australia).

Read the open access paper here:

New pre-print out – “Structural and functional characterization of TraI from pKM101 reveals basis for DNA processing”

A new pre-print from the Berntsson lab, with Annika Breidenstein as first author, is out on bioRxiv. You can find it here!

New PhD awarded!

We congratulate Dr. Lena Lassinantti, who successfully defended her thesis on the 3rd of June!

Learn more about how virulence is regulated in Listeria monocytogenes: New publication in PLOS pathogens

Inhibition of the master regulator of Listeria monocytogenes virulence enables bacterial clearance from spacious replication vacuoles in infected macrophages. Tran TT, Mathmann CD, Gatica-Andrades M, Rollo RF, Oelker M, Ljungberg JK, Nguyen TTK, Zamoshnikova A, Kummari LK, Wyer OJK, Irvine KM, Melo-Bolívar J, Gross A, Brown D, Mak JYW, Fairlie DP, Hansford KA, Cooper MA, Giri R, Schreiber V, Joseph SR, Simpson F, Barnett TC, Johansson J, Dankers W, Harris J, Wells TJ, Kapetanovic R, Sweet MJ, Latomanski EA, Newton HJ, Guérillot RJR, Hachani A, Stinear TP, Ong SY, Chandran Y, Hartland EL, Kobe B, Stow JL, Sauer-Eriksson AE, Begun J, Kling JC, Blumenthal A. PLoS Pathog. 2022 Jan 10;18(1):e1010166.