Ronnie Berntsson is as of now a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow
As of 1st of December Ronnie Berntsson has started as a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow at Umeå University.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 24 entries already.
As of 1st of December Ronnie Berntsson has started as a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow at Umeå University.
We have a PhD student position available, for structural and functional studies of bacterial Type 4 Secretion Systems. We are looking for an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual who has an interest in large protein machineries. We use biochemistry, molecular biology, x-ray crystallography and cryo-EM to study Type 4 Secretion Systems, mainly of Gram-positive origin. […]
The Berntsson group just published a new article titled “PrgB Promotes Aggregation, Biofilm Formation, and Conjugation through DNA Binding and Compaction”, with the first author Dr. Andreas Schmitt. Check it out here at Molecular Microbiology.
Postdoctoral fellowship to study Type 4 Secretion System Project description The Berntsson lab at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden, is looking to recruit a postdoctoral fellow to study the structural and functional aspects of Type 4 Secretion Systems. These large protein complexes are responsible for horizontal gene transfer […]