New article out from the Ekström group
The article “In situ assembly of choline acetyltransferase ligands by a hydrothiolation reaction reveals key determinants for inhibitor design” was just published in Angewandte Chemie.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 24 entries already.
The article “In situ assembly of choline acetyltransferase ligands by a hydrothiolation reaction reveals key determinants for inhibitor design” was just published in Angewandte Chemie.
We are very happy that Jonas Barandun was awarded the ERC Starting Grant 2020! More info here.
A new article from the Berntsson lab, with Dr. Andreas Schmitt as lead author, has just been accepted in the Journal of Molecular Biology, see here for the full (curently pre-proof version) article.
Up to 3 postdoctoral fellowships are open for the 2020 call at the Integrated Structural Biology (ISB) environment at Umeå University. Umeå University offers a vibrant and international atmosphere for structural biology research. There are 19 research groups and close to 100 persons affiliated with ISB. The ISB environment has regular seminars and candidates will be […]
Martínez-Carranza M, Blasco P, Gustafsson R, Dong M, Berntsson RP, Widmalm G, Stenmark P. Synaptotagmin Binding to Botulinum Neurotoxins. Biochemistry in press. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00554
The ISB Postdoctoral program is now open for interested applicants! This year we have 2 fully financed postdoctoral fellowships open – Please see here for more info.
The Berntsson lab at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden, is looking to recruit postdoctoral fellow (2-year fellowships, funded by the Kempe Foundation) to study the structural and functional aspects of Type 4 Secretion Systems. These large protein complexes are responsible for horizontal gene transfer between bacteria. As such, they […]
There is one open position for a fully funded PhD studentship available in the Berntsson lab. For further info and to apply, please see:
The Berntsson lab at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden, is looking to recruit up to two postdoctoral fellows (2-year fellowships, funded by the Kempe Foundation) to study the structural and functional aspects of Type 4 Secretion Systems. These large protein complexes are responsible for horizontal gene transfer between bacteria. […]
Ronnie Berntsson has be awarded the Swedish Foundation Starting grant for research on Type 4 Secretion Systems. For more info see: