Entries by admin

New article: Advances in protein structure prediction highlight unexpected commonalities between Gram-positive and Gram-negative conjugative T4SS

New article from the Berntsson lab, where we have identified which components are conserved across all conjugative Type 4 Secretion Systems, and used the new modelling tools available to model the pCF10 T4SS structure. Published now in JMB: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022283624005540?via%3Dihub

New publication out from the Wolf-Watz lab in Science Advances

The paper “Insights into the evolution of enzymatic specificity and catalysis: From Asgard archaea to human adenylate kinases” from the Wolf-Watz lab is now published in Science Advances! https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abm4089?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed

Postdoc fellowship available to work on Type 4 Secretion Systems – deadline 21st of May

The Berntsson lab at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden, is recruiting one postdoctoral fellow (funded by the Kempe Foundation) to study the structural and functional aspects of Type 4 Secretion Systems. These large protein complexes are responsible for horizontal gene transfer between bacteria. As such, they facilitate the spread […]

Postdoc position available in the Berntsson lab

Postdoctoral fellowship to study Type 4 Secretion System The Berntsson lab at the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden, is recruiting one postdoctoral fellow (2-year fellowship, funded by the Kempe Foundation) to study the structural and functional aspects of Type 4 Secretion Systems. These large protein complexes are responsible for horizontal […]